Business Intelligence


Watch for These Intelligent Automation Trends in 2023-2024

Intelligent automation has already revolutionized the way we conduct business. It has minimized waste, cut down on labor costs, made customized products and services more attainable, and improved workplace safety. The use of intelligent automation continues to evolve, and it’s presenting new business opportunities. Autonomous systems are becoming more capable, with improvements to their mechanics, software, and sensors. So, what should we expect next? Here are the biggest intelligent…

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intelligent automation

Data Discovery & Business Intelligence Help Solve For X

Data discovery tools allow business users to explore data, and Business Intelligence software takes that to a more complex, predictive level. Getting the right mix of these solutions for your business depends on your needs, but at the end of the day, they both act as a powerful asset towards intelligent, data-driven, and proactive business decisions.

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Business Intelligence Vs. Data Mining: What's The Difference?

With customers connecting to businesses from numerous access points (websites, social platforms, email, chat, etc,) the sheer quantity of information at a company’s fingertips is staggering. The trick to gaining useful insights from that information is applying the right data tactics. That’s where concepts like business intelligence (BI), data mining, and integration come into play. Business Intelligence and data mining are two different techniques that can work together to inform strategic…

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